
I’m a Chilean researcher (ISFP) at Inria Saclay, France. I am a member of the ILDA team, which is part of the Laboratoire Interdisplinaire des Sciences du Numérique, LISN (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS & Inria, a lab created by teams from LIMSI and LRI). I have a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Chile under the supervision of Bárbara Poblete.

My main research interests are the analysis and visualization of data, mainly focused on geo-temporal data.

I love teaching and I believe learning should be for anyone. Because of this, I was co-founder with Jazmine Maldonado of Niñas Pro(gramadoras), an initiative that motivate girls to learn to program to reduce the gender gap in STEAM. We aim to show to our girls that computer science is super fun (:
(Psss! Hey! You can donate here)

You can contact me by email at: vanessa.pena-araya [at] inria [dot] fr

Latest Projects

My current research is divided in two main areas: The lastest two finished projects are here: